Tuesday, November 23, 2010
vicodin and tryptophan
Saturday, November 20, 2010
missing teeth and band

So earlier this week I said that this week could not get any worse. Being me and knowing my life I probably should not have said that. Today was definitely eventful I started off the day full of emotion literally everything reminded me that this was my last game and made me cry. I went to guard and did just as I said, sat on the 50 and said goodbye to life as I know it now. I had no idea though that this day would prove to be memorable for more than one reason. This morning while doing our run through I knocked out my tooth and cut my lip.

So all day today I walked around with a missing tooth and a swollen lip. Other than the fact that I was missing a tooth I had a perfect show. I definitely left it all on the field tonight and as soon as I threw my flag down at the end of the show and did the final step I became a wreck. All the emotion leading up to the game that day had been bottling up inside and I could not stop crying for about 20 minutes. I know there is life after band but it just did not feel like it at the time every time I made eye contact with friends, looked at the field, or got a hug the tears just came back. I was so glad that my family came up to see me for this game I really needed them. As soon as I got back to the stands after half time my family was standing there waiting for me. They really comforted me I told my mom that if this had to be my last game I could walk away saying I did my best. So now a real new chapter in my life begins one of new activities and new teeth :)

Dear LU band,
I just want to thank all of you for what you have done for my college experience so far. From freshman year till now you have all played a huge roll in my life. I remember coming in as a scared freshman to guard camp and leaving that week starting school more clued in than any other freshman on campus. The family of marching band is one that I will never be able to replace. But I wanted let everyone of you know how important and amazing you are. It is so hard to believe that when august rolls around I will not be coming back with every other girl to guard camp. For you girls specifically you have all been awesome this season. I could not have picked a better group of girls to have my last season with. You are all very talented and gave me countless awesome shows. I love you girls!!!! I am so glad I have had this opportunity to be a part of something so uplifting. I really do love each and everyone of you. Even though we will never march together again this is not goodbye friends in band it is just goodbye band.
Thank you for an awesome last season,
Will Never Be The Same
I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I've closed the door.
I will walk apart, I'll run the race
And I will never be the same again.
I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I've closed the door.
I will walk apart, I'll run the race
And I will never be the same again.
Fall like fire, soak like rain,
Flow like mighty waters, again and again.
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff,
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.
There are higher heights, there are deeper seas,
Whatever you need to do, Lord do in me.
The Glory of God fills my life,
And I will never be the same again.
Fall like fire, soak like rain,
Flow like mighty waters, again and again.
Sweep aways the darkness, burn away the chaff
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.
Fall like fire, soak like rain,
Flow like mighty waters, again and again.
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff,
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.
I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I've closed the door.
I will walk the path, I will run the race
And I will never be the same again.
And I will never be the same again.
And I will never be the same again.
Band has made an amazing impact on my life and without it I will never be the same again. It has changed me for the better and I am excited to see what God has in store for my future since right now I have no idea!!!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
IT OVER :( time to sit on the 50 and cry
Also to explain the title every time I get really bad news it is tradition for me to sit on the 50 and cry. I know that is weird but it has become a safe place for me. So if you see me on the 50 don't worry the tears are tears of accomplishment.
Also to top off this broken heart I did not pass my Sophomore hearing because I bombed my monologue and interview. I am not sure what come over me but I delivered the worst most memo dramatic performance of my life. I guess the pressure of the rest of my life just bleed over into that. I will share more about it later on the upside my family was here to comfort me the next day and there is always a second shot next semester.
Monday, November 15, 2010

The list of things I have to do this week
#1 STUDY for Sophomore Hearing
(Children of a Lesser God consuming my life)
#2 Production Journal
#3 Do Sophomore Hearing
#4 Study for theory test
#5 Dramatic Presentation
#6 Take theory test
#7 Memorize Music
#8 Bring up my aural skills grade
#9 Write Speech
#10 Clean my messy apartment because my mother is coming into town
#11 Pick mom up from the airport
#12 Celebrate her Birthday
#14 Finally head to Ohio
#15 and so much MORE
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What if? Will not be a question in my life
So I know I have not blogged in a couple of days and I apologize for that. But if I could think of the words to describe how stressed I am right now I would write them to you. Everything in my life is coming up fast and furious. I have wind ensemble auditions, Sophomore hearing, my theater history paper, my basic acting speech, production journal, coastal, voice lesson music, part writing homework, and to top it all off I am sick :( so pretty much I don't even know how I am finding time to do this now except I felt guilty for not posting for so many days. I am still reading that awesome book my life group sent me though. It and music are my little piece of sanity in this crazy time. Soul Cravings my Erwin Raphael McManus is a book I suggest you all pick up and read. It is a religious book but not forceful it just talks about problems we all go through. It is broke up into sections intimacy, love,ambition,destiny, origin, meaning, life, and death. Currently I am still at the very beginning in intimacy but already feel like I have learned so much. Many of the pages are almost fully highlighted out of excitement for the awesome things the author has to say. A passage that I love from it so far is ,
"Some girls want flowers; others, chocolates; others, meaningful conversation; all different ways of trying to get to the same place-to be loved, to find love. So some people pray five times a day facing east; others pray rosaries; still others bring offerings, light candles, and memorize incantations; all for the same purpose-to gain acceptance from their creator."
This is so true everyone wants the same things and to be loved and accepted they just go about it in a different way. Its just like the Ingrid Michaelson song Everybody.
"We have fallen down again tonight
in this world it's hard to get it right.Trying to make your heart fit like a glove
when what it needs is love love love.
Everybody Everybody wants to love
Everybody Everybody wants to be loved"
Saturday, November 6, 2010
soul cravings
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you convince yourself that there are no negatives in what you want? I am reading this awesome book called soul cravings and it has made me realize some things. A I have realized that not everything we think is of God is of God. B guys are mean except your father, and C that it is easy to convince yourself something is right even when it's not. Which brings me to what this book is doing for me. It is teaching me to chill out. I realized that I often give awesome advice to friends but I don't ever follow it myself. Just like last night I was talking to a friend and I gave them advice to just not worry about a relationship just let whatever happens happens don't close your mind to something happening but don't force whats not there. I really hope that as I keep reading this book I find a solution to this problem of mine. I feel like my brain and heart are running 1,000 miles in the opposite direction because my brain is saying run away from hurt and my heart is saying run into love. Which one do I listen to, I sure wish it was as easy as a DHT song.
Today was definitely an awesome day all together and I can't wait for what this week has in store A.K.A studying for my sophomore hearing some more. Than this weekend I am going to Coastal!!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
It's Britney @#$%&
This link is to the video of our performance lol. This is the reason that I love my friends they will act crazy with me. I also found out that I won't have to freeze tomorrow night because the lovely people at high peak have made me another jacket because mine magically went missing. I did get some bad news today though, I found out worrying about the 2 classes I have been worrying about was rightly so. I am pretty much failing aural skills and music theory. It is times like these I regret not paying attention in high school when I was in theory. Luckily there are many people willing to help me succeed including my teacher who so kindly let me make up an assignment!! I sure hope through hard work I can bring this up. This month is gonna be crazy. Wind ensemble auditions, Sophomore hearing, and the race to the end of the semester. I am praying that God will help me succeed in all this. I know with him on my side and hard work I should have nothing to worry about. Also thanksgiving break is right around the corner yeah for family, friends, and work!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
not skipping out
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
rehearsed future
Monday, November 1, 2010
like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home like the flower that shattered the stone
Today was alright I woke up early to do what I thought would be easy homework....wrong....this junk took me a whole hour :( I just wish I was better at music theory. Anyway, tonight I get to register for classes. I am so excited to get my junior year finished. Next year I will be a senior status!!!! Even though just like many people at Liberty I will be here for an extra year. It was nice to go back today to school and feel refreshed, like I had a break, even though a weekend home is just never long enough. I realized that break is only 18 classes away!!!! I can't wait to go home for a few weeks and see my family for the holidays. I am just fighting with the idea of marching band going into post season play. As you all know just thinking about my last game brings me to tears. Well, I have prepared myself emotionally for the 20th to be my last game ever. This has been a process emotionally for sure, that is why I am worried about post season. I am preparing myself for that last game the 20th and for it to feel like my heart is being ripped out at the end of that game. It would just be a tease for my heart to go post season it would be like dragging out the pain because then I won't actually know when my last game is. I feel like leaving guard for me is a lot like a breakup in a relationship it is going to take time for me to heal. I also hope this is one of those breakups were you can still be friends lol I hope that I can still pick up a flag and write or just have fun. I need to keep guard in my life in anyway I can.
Flower that Shattered the Stone

The Earth is our mother just turning around
With her trees in the forest and roots underground
Our father above us who's sigh is the wind
Paint us a rainbow without any end
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Sparrows find freedom beholding the sun
In the engine and beauty were all joined in one
I reach out before me and look to the sky
Then I hear someone whisper its something pass by
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
I always love to listen to this Olivia Newton John's lullaby album. My mom used to sing these lullabies to me when I was born and throughout my whole life. Still when I can't sleep I will turn on this soundtrack and just lay there. It is one of my comforts.