I used to hate driving but now I love it. Driving is so relaxing just going down the turnpike with the windows open, the chilly breeze blowing in, and an epic mix of music blasting you have so much time to think about what is going on in your life. What I thought about was disconnection. I feel like I have been disconnecting myself from people, not on purpose but just because things happen. Recently I have been letting some friends down by, what else but, overbooking myself. I absolutely hate making a promise and not keeping it. So now I have to put back together things that I may or may not have messed up and stop focusing on relationships that don't matter. I need to focus on the people and friends that I love. Obsessing over one relationship can ruin all your others so my goal for this week is to obsess over all of the ones that matter instead of just on one relationship that does not.