So I have decide I most definitely have been failing in the world of blog writing. I started this blog about a year ago because a friend had encouraged me but I did not really want to do it. Well, last night while watching Julie and Julia, which I am sure has happened to more than one of us, I was inspired to start up my blog again. Not for my friends but for myself I need this for myself. I realized that just like in Julie and Julia I had lost a bit of myself and possibly the only way to find it was to write to the world in this blog. So I will be sharing with you world my hopes, dreams, frustrations, and of course fun times.
Right now I am listening to my easy and relaxed play list, I live my life through music. I often wonder what would I have done with my life without the awesome amazing gift of music and...... I HAVE NO CLUE. Everything in my life is related to music one way or another. I am a musical theater major, vocal minor, and in marching band. And if you know anything about my major and minor that is pretty much all I have time for. The only aspect of my life that does not involve music is my job and when I think about my time at Kohls I realized that I am the only employee in the store that can harmonize to every horrible song they play in there. Here is the problem with music encompassing my life when it starts to fad I do too. This is my last season in colorguard. Every practice I go to and realize it's almost over I can't help but tear up. For 9 years I have been spinning flag and weapon, it is a huge part of my life. I meet all my friends including the best friend anyone could ever ask for at guard and learned all of my important life skills. Marching band pulled me out of a depression, got me my first kiss, took me to far away places, and built in me a passion for life. A very wise instructor once told me that if guard is your passion it can never leave you but, as I cry and type this I wonder. What will life be like when my Saturdays are free??? Will I be happy???? When I went into theater I knew I was going to have to sacrifice things but guard was something I never imagined being "that thing" for some reason. Now that it is I spin every show like it's my last because this season one of them actually will be. Band can't work with my theater schedule or allow me to participate in any shows then I guess it is time for me to let it go, not that I have a choice, and let a little piece of the music in my life fade out

Sorry for the super sad, deep, and thoughtful something happy is sure to be posted later. I am going to Roanoke on a super fun shopping trip with my friend Ashley on which I will not spend any money. This should be interesting we will see how my shopaholic tendencies play out :)
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