Emotions. Were do they come from? How do you force yourself to feel something that you just don't of have never experienced? That is what I want to talk about today. In Meisner's text he says an awesome quote that goes something along the lines of "all piano players will play the same notes but they will all play them different." In my basic acting 2 class we are studying the technical teachings of Meisner. And he suggested that as actors we use other circumstances that are similar to relate to how we are feeling at that time. So using your dog being put down to begin to understand and explore what it would feel like for your child to die. This idea has always seemed completely crazy and foreign to those outside of the theater world and was to me too. But today in class we did an exercise from a man who does not believe in that technique. At first it was very odd we were told by our teach to just walk around the room normal and we did that for a good 2 minutes then he told us to stop and pick an emotion. After picking that emotion we were instructed to again walk around the room and this time try to feel it. Well, trying to feel something is really hard when no action is leading you into the emotion. Then he stopped us one last time he said thank about were that emotion comes from when you feel it were in your body does it start: does it make you red in the face, or make it hard to breath, or make your stomach turn in circles. My emotion had been embarrassed I singled out my throat and cheeks in my mind and thought about that warm feeling that starts in your throat and travels up through your cheeks and into your whole body when you are nervous. Then he told us to walk around again thinking about this I did and as I was walking really began to feel embarrassed, it felt like a breakthrough point for me. The teacher said not to try to impress him because we were not going to, that helped me in this lesson and made me understand what he meant. Trying to feel something makes you force yourself to act sad or act happy but if you know were that emotion comes from you can actually feel sad or feel happy.

Life is so much like theater, very often I feel we are putting on face and trying to impress but just like my professor said today, "don't try and impress me, because you won't" we as people need to understand that we don't need to try and impress people because, you won't impress them. If someone truly does not like you acting super nice around them is not going to change that or lying to there face is not going to make the situation better. This is the life lesson I learned today on feelings you can't stop them, you can create them, you can't force them, and they should always come from somewhere. Who knew I could learn so much in one class!!!!
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