One Man's Trash is Another Mans Treasure Hunt?

currently listening to The last 5 years!!!!!
So first off I want to start off with the story of loosing my ring. I have this ring that I wear everyday and this morning I go to get it off the counter only to find it is not there. Well I thought no big deal right, because I loose it all the time. Throughout the day I looked for it and thought were in the word could it be when I got home that night I realized conveniently located near were I last saw it was are trash can and I had already looked every were else. So, I attempted to contain my horrible gag reflex put on some rubber gloves and yes went through the gross trash in our kitchen. Well my dig paid off because right as I was beginning to feel to nauseous to continue there was my ring sparkling inside half of an egg shell. Needless to say I was very relieve and after a long disinfecting my ring is now back were it belongs safe and sound on my finger.
SO I absolutely hate the day after fall break. It is like your school gives you a touch of freedom and fun only to rip it away in laughter Monday morning when you have to wake up for your 8:50. I think that getting up before 9:3o should be a sin. One good thing that came out of today is that I realized I am an over booker. I constantly make plans and shove them all into my day. I came to the conclusion that this is because I am a people pleaser. I have always been my whole life but being a people pleaser is not always a good thing. From giving my doll to the girl on the playground to giving a friend a shirt of mine they like it has always been an issue. Sometimes I find myself not studying to hang with friends or spending money I don't have on people just to make them happy. According to my parents this has been a problem my whole life but it is something I just realized today. Being a nice person does not mean being a pushover so I want to work on making others happy at the same time as making smart decisions with my time so that I can be happy too. So I want to promise myself to spend more time on homework and me things like painting my nails or reading my bible.
I have really been in a weird spot with God recently and found myself in the car last week broken down with a friend. I was having trouble trusting God and making time for him but heard him say to me Ciera why are you angry with me what have I done to you. I was given a heart of conviction and realized that God did nothing to me and would never forsake me so why had I forsaken him. He gave me a verse in a quit time that really just calmed my fears. I feel like God is going to work in my life this semester and I am more than excited to see what is ahead. I am so glad God has brought friends into my life that I know I can lean on and trust with this and I hope all of you out in blog world can understand as well. I just want to get back to the walk I had in high school but being consistent and having quit time is harder than you think.
Things I will do for me this week!!!!
Paint My Toes
Read a Magazine
Save Money
Wear my over the knee boots as often as I want
Read my Bible
Hang out with Friends
Dress up
listen to all the music I want and sing as loud as I want
go downtown
skype my best friend
go to bed early

SO I absolutely hate the day after fall break. It is like your school gives you a touch of freedom and fun only to rip it away in laughter Monday morning when you have to wake up for your 8:50. I think that getting up before 9:3o should be a sin. One good thing that came out of today is that I realized I am an over booker. I constantly make plans and shove them all into my day. I came to the conclusion that this is because I am a people pleaser. I have always been my whole life but being a people pleaser is not always a good thing. From giving my doll to the girl on the playground to giving a friend a shirt of mine they like it has always been an issue. Sometimes I find myself not studying to hang with friends or spending money I don't have on people just to make them happy. According to my parents this has been a problem my whole life but it is something I just realized today. Being a nice person does not mean being a pushover so I want to work on making others happy at the same time as making smart decisions with my time so that I can be happy too. So I want to promise myself to spend more time on homework and me things like painting my nails or reading my bible.

Things I will do for me this week!!!!
Paint My Toes

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